04 August 2008

Sunset flying with Claire - Wallpaper

Finally finished! Took me long enough, my PC crashed too often when I was painting this so it slowed the process down. I'm happy it got finally finished. This is a wallpaper in 1600x1200 format for you're desktop pleasure.

03 August 2008

Flying over a floor of clouds: Work in progress 1

The background has more contrast and value now thanks from the advice of A la Bapsi from Conceptart and I have started to cell shade to get an idea where to paint. Although I have a dilemma keeping it cellshaded or to paint which will take much longer.

01 August 2008

Flying over a floor of clouds: Background

It's not really a floor of clouds which I intended first, but I wanted to experiment with loose clouds as a background then just a floor in the end. The illustration is nicely coming along for sure. Background might get some tweaking though.